Wednesday, January 02, 2008

California Pictures

Sarah, Elizabeth, and I went out to eat in Long Beach, and then, because we were in a touristy mood, we went on a hike near the Hollywood sign. It was yummy. I also have Sarah's photos. After Christmas, a bunch of us went trap and target shooting. After the YP events at Buena Park, we had a photo scavenger hunt. My team won Spider-man backpacks full of Reece's peanut butter cups. After the conference, we went bowling, and on New Year's Eve, we went to the beach, and then hung out at the meeting room. Lauren also shot some photos of the aforementioned. New Year's Day we slept in, and ate at The Block.


  1. Hee hee, I LOVE the shooting photos.

  2. Sarah! Love the new hairstyle.

    I can't believe you shot Hilary campaign posters. Actually, I can. Nevermind.

    Thanks for the pictures. *sigh*

  3. Ah! the pics of me and my mustache are lovely. Have you ever considered a career in photography? ;)
