Monday, January 28, 2008
A Memorial Day Weekend to Remember
Or at least, I had better remember this one in the years to come, or it will not go well with me.
Elizabeth and I have set a final date for our wedding: Saturday, May 24th 2008. We are currently in the process of compiling our lists for invitations.
Interestingly, this will be a double wedding; the other couple being Elizabeth's sister Katherine and her fiance Dave. I was initially against this idea, but I have since come around, and I am convinced that it will work well and be a wonderful way for us two couples to express the ways in which we have all been involved in each other's lives and relationships.
If anyone feels that they are in serious danger of being overlooked in the invitation process, Please feel free to shoot me an e-mail.
Speaking of Memorial Day weekends...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I'm Engaged!
For those of you who haven't heard, Elizabeth and I are engaged to be married, as of this past Sunday evening (the 13th). Based on the overwhelming amount of wall posts and messages I've gotten on Facebook in the past few days (over 50), it's a safe bet that many of you already know.
Well, here's how it happened:
I had gone ring-shopping with Elizabeth's sister Katherine the day before, but I hadn't bought anything. There were a couple of rings that I was interested in at the Shane Company, which is where we had started, interestingly enough at the recommendation of my roommate, Casey. We had hit three other stores, but there were two rings at Shane that I really liked. The problem was, there were two.
Anyway, on Sunday, I had arranged to speak with Scott, Elizabeth's father, so after church, I grabbed a bite to eat and headed over to their house. When Scott showed up, I told him that I loved his daughter Elizabeth and was there to ask for her hand in marriage. His prompt response was that I had their blessing. The conversation quickly turned to the question of when I planned on asking her, and had I bought a ring yet?
I didn't know when exactly would be the best time, so I started going through the next few days in my head. One important thing that I wanted to be able to do very soon after proposing was to go dancing, since Elizabeth and I had decided together that we wouldn't dance with each other until such a time as we were engaged.
I had thought of proposing on the dance floor, but two nights prior, Elizabeth had commented that she just had no desire to go dancing anymore, because she wouldn't be able to dance with the one person she really wanted to dace with. Swing dancing was on Sunday nights at Century, and on Thursdays at the Russian Center. The problem was that on Thursdays we had just started skiing lessons in the evenings, and this Thursday was the day before we were leaving for Colorado on a ski trip. I didn't want to propose right before, or on the ski trip, because I wanted Elizabeth to be surrounded by her friends and family at that time, and not merely a bunch of my friends.
I suddenly came to the realization that it would have to be that day, or in another two weeks, in other words, it had to be that day! And I didn't have a ring!
Shortly after this realization, I found myself back at the Shane Co., staring at a pair of rings: both possessing a unique appeal; each one, in the absence of the other, was the perfect choice, but for entirely different reasons. One looked back at what Elizabeth has been and is now; the other looked forward, to what she could be and is now becoming. I describe it this way in retrospect, but at the time, it was much harder to congeal my thoughts, fears, and hopes. I stared at the two rings for about an hour. Talking to the lady who was helping me. Finally, I just knew. Kristen, Elizabeth's mom had called me to let me know how moved her husband had been when I asked for his daughter's hand, and as I tried to describe my dilemma, it became crystal clear which ring I should choose. I marshaled my courage, pointed, and said "it's that one; that one is the ring."
Shortly thereafter, I had paid for the ring, floated to my car, and drove home. Elizabeth and I were meeting with our friends Mike, Chris, and Keisha to go skiing that night. Four of us are taking lessons on Thursdays together, and we decided that it would be both fun and productive to get in some real skiing, sans instructor.
I called Mike to make sure that he had his camera. He had just left his house, and said that he could turn around and get it. I should have told him why, but I didn't have time; I figured that I could call him back to fill him in once I had a plan.
I called Katherine. We discussed my options. I mentioned proposing at Century Ballroom, and she said that she thought she could get Elizabeth to go, but I was skeptical: she was already going to be icky from skiing, and her legs might be tired, not to mention that she would despair that she couldn't dance with me. I decided against it.
The plan I developed went like this: I would convince our friends to leave Snoqualmie at about 7:30. I would call or text message Katherine with an ETA to Renton on the way home. There is a dentist's office located on the side of the hill above the road that we would be taking in Renton. This dentist's office parking lot has an exceptionally pretty view of downtown Renton. I would nonchalantly pull the car up the driveway; Katherine would be there with her fiance Dave. I would pull Elizabeth out of the car, get down on one knee, and ask her to marry me.
This plan never happened.
When we got to Snoqualmie, we arrived to a mass exodus of cars and skiers. After an inquiry, we were told that the lifts had just been closed for the night!
After panicking slightly, I turned the car around and headed back down the mountain. We decided that since we were already together, the five of us would get Teriyaki and watch a movie at my apartment. I called Katherine, who was apparently occupied at work, and left a voicemail. She called back, and I let her know all that I could, trying not to arouse Elizabeth's suspicions: too late. She was beaming a smile, but trying to hide it. I, in turn, tried to hide my smile. Neither of us were very successful. That was her third clue.
Her first had been Katherine, who had shown Elizabeth Saturday evening some of the ring designs that she and I had looked at, under the guise of looking at designs for her own wedding ring. Her second had been Mike, who, assuming I asked him to bring his (DSLR) camera simply because I was already at Elizabeth's and had left mine at home, upon arriving at her house and not finding me there, had wondered out loud why I had asked him to bring it. Before the words were out of his mouth, he knew why, and tried to play it off, but Elizabeth had caught the implication, and he knew it.
Once at Elizabeth's, everyone got in their own car. I made sure that it was Elizabeth who got the food, and that she was alone, while the rest of us made our way to my apartment. Once there, I explained to my friends what was going on, and concocted a new plan. Chris and Keisha were sent out of sight to my room in the back, Mike concealed himself in the kitchen, ready to pop out and take pictures. I turned on the lights so that he wouldn't need flash, and rearranged the furniture so that it wouldn't be in the way of pictures. When she came in, she would be carrying bags of food, so I prepared a chair to receive it. And then we waited.
It seemed like a long time. It was probably only five minutes. Once I heard footsteps on the stairs, but it was only the neighbors. Then, I saw her pull in. I glanced at her through the blinds, bending one with my finger. Little did I know, that she could see my entire profile. Little, that is, until she waived at me. Sheepishly, I waived back. She knew it was coming, but did she know when?
A minute later, a knock at the door. I opened it, and attempted to grab the Teriyaki out of her hands. It didn't come immediately because her keys were also in her hand. The time it took for us to untangle her fingers was enough for her to notice that I had changed into nice clothes. Now she definitely knew something was up. Once I had disposed of the food, I dropped to my knee, and said, "Elizabeth Anne Harris, I love you, and I want you to be my wife, and I want to be your husband. Will you marry me?"
She said yes, and threw herself into my arms.
That was the first time that I had told her that I love her. Mind you, I had been doing it all along, but I wanted the words to carry the weight of all the actions that I had done out of love for her.
Two seconds later, she pulls back, lowers her eyebrows, widens her eyes, and yells at me, "I've been waiting for two months for you to ask me that!"
We could hear Keisha burst out laughing, as she had obviously heard Elizabeth from the back room. Moments later, she and Chris emerged, and we were all smiles, laughter, stories, and tears of joy, as we ate together and hung out. Elizabeth's parents came over, as did Dave and Katherine.
Later in the evening, we headed over to the Century Ballroom for our first dance in over nine months.
Later that evening, we thanked the Lord together for what He had done in bringing us together, and leading us each step of the way. We haven't always known what the next step would be, or even if there would be a next step, but He has led us the whole way through, and I am counting on Him guiding and leading the way as we proceed into marriage.
Well, here's how it happened:
I had gone ring-shopping with Elizabeth's sister Katherine the day before, but I hadn't bought anything. There were a couple of rings that I was interested in at the Shane Company, which is where we had started, interestingly enough at the recommendation of my roommate, Casey. We had hit three other stores, but there were two rings at Shane that I really liked. The problem was, there were two.
Anyway, on Sunday, I had arranged to speak with Scott, Elizabeth's father, so after church, I grabbed a bite to eat and headed over to their house. When Scott showed up, I told him that I loved his daughter Elizabeth and was there to ask for her hand in marriage. His prompt response was that I had their blessing. The conversation quickly turned to the question of when I planned on asking her, and had I bought a ring yet?
I didn't know when exactly would be the best time, so I started going through the next few days in my head. One important thing that I wanted to be able to do very soon after proposing was to go dancing, since Elizabeth and I had decided together that we wouldn't dance with each other until such a time as we were engaged.
I had thought of proposing on the dance floor, but two nights prior, Elizabeth had commented that she just had no desire to go dancing anymore, because she wouldn't be able to dance with the one person she really wanted to dace with. Swing dancing was on Sunday nights at Century, and on Thursdays at the Russian Center. The problem was that on Thursdays we had just started skiing lessons in the evenings, and this Thursday was the day before we were leaving for Colorado on a ski trip. I didn't want to propose right before, or on the ski trip, because I wanted Elizabeth to be surrounded by her friends and family at that time, and not merely a bunch of my friends.
I suddenly came to the realization that it would have to be that day, or in another two weeks, in other words, it had to be that day! And I didn't have a ring!
Shortly after this realization, I found myself back at the Shane Co., staring at a pair of rings: both possessing a unique appeal; each one, in the absence of the other, was the perfect choice, but for entirely different reasons. One looked back at what Elizabeth has been and is now; the other looked forward, to what she could be and is now becoming. I describe it this way in retrospect, but at the time, it was much harder to congeal my thoughts, fears, and hopes. I stared at the two rings for about an hour. Talking to the lady who was helping me. Finally, I just knew. Kristen, Elizabeth's mom had called me to let me know how moved her husband had been when I asked for his daughter's hand, and as I tried to describe my dilemma, it became crystal clear which ring I should choose. I marshaled my courage, pointed, and said "it's that one; that one is the ring."
Shortly thereafter, I had paid for the ring, floated to my car, and drove home. Elizabeth and I were meeting with our friends Mike, Chris, and Keisha to go skiing that night. Four of us are taking lessons on Thursdays together, and we decided that it would be both fun and productive to get in some real skiing, sans instructor.
I called Mike to make sure that he had his camera. He had just left his house, and said that he could turn around and get it. I should have told him why, but I didn't have time; I figured that I could call him back to fill him in once I had a plan.
I called Katherine. We discussed my options. I mentioned proposing at Century Ballroom, and she said that she thought she could get Elizabeth to go, but I was skeptical: she was already going to be icky from skiing, and her legs might be tired, not to mention that she would despair that she couldn't dance with me. I decided against it.
The plan I developed went like this: I would convince our friends to leave Snoqualmie at about 7:30. I would call or text message Katherine with an ETA to Renton on the way home. There is a dentist's office located on the side of the hill above the road that we would be taking in Renton. This dentist's office parking lot has an exceptionally pretty view of downtown Renton. I would nonchalantly pull the car up the driveway; Katherine would be there with her fiance Dave. I would pull Elizabeth out of the car, get down on one knee, and ask her to marry me.
This plan never happened.
When we got to Snoqualmie, we arrived to a mass exodus of cars and skiers. After an inquiry, we were told that the lifts had just been closed for the night!
After panicking slightly, I turned the car around and headed back down the mountain. We decided that since we were already together, the five of us would get Teriyaki and watch a movie at my apartment. I called Katherine, who was apparently occupied at work, and left a voicemail. She called back, and I let her know all that I could, trying not to arouse Elizabeth's suspicions: too late. She was beaming a smile, but trying to hide it. I, in turn, tried to hide my smile. Neither of us were very successful. That was her third clue.
Her first had been Katherine, who had shown Elizabeth Saturday evening some of the ring designs that she and I had looked at, under the guise of looking at designs for her own wedding ring. Her second had been Mike, who, assuming I asked him to bring his (DSLR) camera simply because I was already at Elizabeth's and had left mine at home, upon arriving at her house and not finding me there, had wondered out loud why I had asked him to bring it. Before the words were out of his mouth, he knew why, and tried to play it off, but Elizabeth had caught the implication, and he knew it.
Once at Elizabeth's, everyone got in their own car. I made sure that it was Elizabeth who got the food, and that she was alone, while the rest of us made our way to my apartment. Once there, I explained to my friends what was going on, and concocted a new plan. Chris and Keisha were sent out of sight to my room in the back, Mike concealed himself in the kitchen, ready to pop out and take pictures. I turned on the lights so that he wouldn't need flash, and rearranged the furniture so that it wouldn't be in the way of pictures. When she came in, she would be carrying bags of food, so I prepared a chair to receive it. And then we waited.
It seemed like a long time. It was probably only five minutes. Once I heard footsteps on the stairs, but it was only the neighbors. Then, I saw her pull in. I glanced at her through the blinds, bending one with my finger. Little did I know, that she could see my entire profile. Little, that is, until she waived at me. Sheepishly, I waived back. She knew it was coming, but did she know when?
A minute later, a knock at the door. I opened it, and attempted to grab the Teriyaki out of her hands. It didn't come immediately because her keys were also in her hand. The time it took for us to untangle her fingers was enough for her to notice that I had changed into nice clothes. Now she definitely knew something was up. Once I had disposed of the food, I dropped to my knee, and said, "Elizabeth Anne Harris, I love you, and I want you to be my wife, and I want to be your husband. Will you marry me?"
She said yes, and threw herself into my arms.
That was the first time that I had told her that I love her. Mind you, I had been doing it all along, but I wanted the words to carry the weight of all the actions that I had done out of love for her.
Two seconds later, she pulls back, lowers her eyebrows, widens her eyes, and yells at me, "I've been waiting for two months for you to ask me that!"
We could hear Keisha burst out laughing, as she had obviously heard Elizabeth from the back room. Moments later, she and Chris emerged, and we were all smiles, laughter, stories, and tears of joy, as we ate together and hung out. Elizabeth's parents came over, as did Dave and Katherine.
Later in the evening, we headed over to the Century Ballroom for our first dance in over nine months.
Later that evening, we thanked the Lord together for what He had done in bringing us together, and leading us each step of the way. We haven't always known what the next step would be, or even if there would be a next step, but He has led us the whole way through, and I am counting on Him guiding and leading the way as we proceed into marriage.
"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.
Brethren, pray for us." ~1 Thessalonians 5:23-25
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Wii II
So, I've finally set up my new Wii. I actually picked it up on the 3rd, but I've just been going non-stop since I got back from California.
In a previous post, I kept track of some of you who added me to your friends list. Well, this is a new Wii, so we're both going to have to re-enter each other's Friend Codes again.
Here's my new one: 7223-6170-5929-0831
If you add me, please leave a comment with your number so that I can add you too (otherwise nothing will happen).
I have the following friend codes already, but please leave me a note when you add me, and please also double-check the numbers I have for you here:
Brian: 8936-8073-3807-7734
Victor: 3278-6856-0484-3051
Juliana: 0916-8860-0805-7549
Sean: 8056-6804-9228-1493
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
I just got back, unpacked, and took a nice hot shower.
Friday, January 04, 2008
So there we were, driving along the freeway, making our way back over the grapevine to drop Elizabeth off at the airport (she was flying out of Orange County). She had come down to California to spend Christmas with my family (and me, incidentally), but she had to work on the 26th. I was driving my sister Sarah's car, Elizabeth was riding shotgun, and Sarah was in the back seat with my 93-year-old grandma, whose name is also Elizabeth, and who also happens to be globe-trotting a nurse.
We were on the 14 freeway, driving through Acton, when we hear a belt noise coming from the engine. I say 'hear'; we all heard it, but Elizabeth was the one who identified it as a belt noise. She instructed me to pop the car into neutral, and when I did, the noise stopped: crisis averted. Or not.
I re-engaged the engine, and all seemed well, but I heard a noise that sounded suspiciously like something leaving the car. Instantly, I lost power steering, the battery light went on, and so did the engine light. This was definitely not good.
We called my dad, who told us it was probably the serpentine belt, and that we should get off the freeway and to a service station. It was Christmas, though, would they even be open? We had no choice.
Elizabeth, who was the one on the phone, indicated that Sand Canyon Road was a place that my dad had indicated that it would be good to get off, and as we were about to pass it, I swerved onto the exit, and drove into town. There were two gas stations readily visible, and the 76 had a garage, so that's where we headed.
We pulled up, and with some effort, were able to park the car (power steering was out, if you recall), and to our surprise, there was a mechanic walking by. We flagged him down and explained our situation. He was just getting off shift, but we popped the hood, and he took a look, then explained to us that indeed our serpentine belt was shredded, and its tensioner was also damaged in such a way that it would need to be replaced; the tensioner was not easy to get to either.
The mechanic told us that we could leave the keys with the attendant, and have the car repaired in the morning, which seemed like our best option, until my grandma piped up from the back seat, and told us that she had 100 miles of towing from AAA. 100 miles was certainly enough, but the immediate problem was that Elizabeth needed to be at the airport in a couple of hours, and we were still about 70 miles away. My parents and my brother Josh, meanwhile, left from Tehachapi in order to get us a car so that Elizabeth could make her flight. Fortunately, the flight was delayed.
While we waited for the tow truck and my parents, we sat in the car together, ate sandwiches, and talked. It was actually quite an enjoyable time.
My parents and brother arrived a few minutes before the tow truck, which was about an hour after we had stopped. It was decided that Sarah would take Elizabeth in my mom's car, my grandma would go back to Tehachapi with my parents and Josh, and I would stay with the car and ride in the tow truck.
Elizabeth made her flight, but barely. Sarah and I actually arrived at the towing destination within about a minute of each other. The driver had taken the longer route of the 210 to the 57, avoiding the 5 freeway through Los Angeles, while Sarah had driven straight down the 5. Traffic was light, however, and they made good time. Elizabeth made it to the airport just on time, but she had to carry on her bag, which meant she had to leave all the liquids in her bag behind.
The Lord is merciful.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
California Pictures
Sarah, Elizabeth, and I went out to eat in Long Beach, and then, because we were in a touristy mood, we went on a hike near the Hollywood sign. It was yummy. I also have Sarah's photos.
After Christmas, a bunch of us went trap and target shooting.
After the YP events at Buena Park, we had a photo scavenger hunt. My team won Spider-man backpacks full of Reece's peanut butter cups.
After the conference, we went bowling, and on New Year's Eve, we went to the beach, and then hung out at the meeting room.
Lauren also shot some photos of the aforementioned.
New Year's Day we slept in, and ate at The Block.
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