Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Seaside, OR

This past weekend was spent at Seaside. It was a fun trip: I got to spend some time with friends.



I didn't take too many pictures, but this was one of them.
One of the organized activities was a photo scavenger hunt in which we were given a pumpkin and a list of shots and then set loose in town. Here are the photos for each of the groups:

Blue, Green, Teal, Yellow


  1. Wow...that little boy sure is cute...his parents must be really good-looking...

    On a more serious note, great pictures--that one of the castle has impressive composition.

  2. The pumpkin activity looked fun. Nice orange shirt to match!

  3. Thanks for posting the pictures, Tim!

    Also, let it be known, that though unseen, that trunk fortress is surrounded by sand (which Micheal, Steve, Kyle and Dean spent an exorbinant amount of energy moving) into which I molded little Bethlehem-esque (or Tolkien)castles and a winding road, all of which, no doubt, the ocean destroyed with absolutely no effort whatsoever.
