Thursday, October 18, 2012

Shoshana: New Blog

And no, I don't mean "new blog post", as some do when they say "new blog".  There's a whole new blog, with its own posts (or at least, future posts), in store for you.

I decided to break out my regular posts about Shoshana's Leukemia into its own blog, so that it would not be interrupted by the other things that normally occupy this blog, assuming a degree of normalcy returns, or some new definition of normal, in which her care does not consume such a majority of my time, energy, and thought.

I may occasionally still post on this blog about Shoshana and her care, and I may occasionally link from here to there, or there to here.  My intent is not to draw a barrier between aspects of my life, but to make them more comprehensible and digestible to those who care to read about them. 

I would also like Elizabeth (and perhaps some others) to contribute posts to the Shoshana: Leukemia blog.

Without further ado, here is the link: Shoshana: Leukemia

As you read, please be praying for us, and especially for her healing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. For reference: Mike was mistakenly referring to the CaringBridge site set up by Liz, which does not support RSS.

      My blogs have RSS/Atom feeds, and I just added e-mail subscription support to all of them.
