If you want even more pictures, you can find them here.
Joe and Ken
Ken plays the black keys. Trying to sing along with Joe while Ken is playing is vocal acrobatics.
David and Josh
Okay once and for all: they are triplets, but I am not. No, they don't look identical.
Tricia and Tim
They're expecting.
Stud extraordinaire.
Darren and Abby
Darren is Beth and Aaron Espinoza's youngest. His brothers are Austen and Zach.
Caleb's got a little of the Captain in him.
There are also some videos of this floating around.
Daisy, Anna, and Matthew
Balboa Pier in the background
Anna, Daisy, (Thomas), Sally, Tim, Matthew, (Paul), Dan, Seth, Jenny, Bethany
Matthew looks like he's on a runway.
Stephanie and Abby
They thought it was cold at the beach. Maybe they sholuld have worn shoes.
Selina/Sally and Paul
We dried off at BJ's in Huntington after our stroll along the pier.
BJ's has great pizza.
Becky and Josh
Some of us went to a street fair in Fullerton after the beach.
This guy made Matthew and I some snazzy New Year's Eve hats.
I think his name is Noah.
Anna, Sarah, Becky, and Roberta
Sarah is teaching them a song.
Joellen and Kyleigh
Drew Isely
Yet another fashion model in our midst.
Anna and Alyssa
Bethany and her uncanny twin
Stephanie, Kim, and Bethany
Jackie and Abby
Anna and Angie
Colleen and Caleb
Tim, Dan, and Seth
Seth, Jenny, Aaron and Davy
Jenny and those Ruga boys... I tell ya.
David, Jenny, Paige, and Gwen...
...are looking at this photo from Shallowbrook.
Me and Anna
Thank ye kindly.